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皇冠官方app下载 Airport Announces Start of Transformational Work on $9 Billion Capital 计划 with Reimagining of 终端 C


皇冠官方app下载 (皇冠官方app下载) today celebrated the beginning of major work on its nearly $9 billion capital improvement plan, 叫做“皇冠官方app下载向前”,“这将改变终端, 增加新的设施和设施, 增加门的数量, 改善道路和交通, enhance the airfield 和 mark the airport’s largest capital investment since opening in 1974.

“经过50年的发展, 创新,服务社会, 一个新的时代正在皇冠官方app下载开始,肖恩·多诺霍说, 皇冠官方app下载的首席执行官. “The incredible upgrades 和 expansions we have planned across the airport are going to reimagine the customer experience in many ways 和 provide the needed framework to support more historic growth in air travel to 和 from North 德州. 随着皇冠app官方版下载每年为1亿皇冠官方app下载提供服务的目标越来越近, 现在是皇冠官方app下载加强皇冠app官方版下载剩余的传统终端并设想全新终端的时候了. 摆在皇冠app官方版下载面前的工作令人兴奋, 但它会很复杂, 随着皇冠app官方版下载继续运营世界上最繁忙的机场之一,挑战和影响.”

“我对即将在皇冠官方app下载机场重新设计的C航站楼的建设感到非常兴奋,达拉斯市长埃里克. 约翰逊. “作为一个国际化的城市, Dallas flourishes through the global relationships made possible by the third-busiest airport in the world. 这个巨大的扩建将加强达拉斯最伟大的资产之一, 促进皇冠app官方版下载与国家和世界更有活力的联系.”

“随着皇冠官方app下载机场开始进行最新的转型, we are excited to see how these advancements will further enhance the travel experience 和 strengthen our connection to the world as the 皇冠官方app下载 Metroplex continues to rapidly grow,沃斯堡市长玛蒂·帕克说. “The reimaging of 终端 C is a significant step forward in ensuring that 皇冠官方app下载 Airport maintains its status as a top aviation hub. We're committed to supporting this growth 和 look forward to the new opportunities 和 benefits it will bring to travelers 和 the region."


美国航空公司 和 other project partners joined 皇冠官方app下载 today to celebrate the work to completely rebuild 和 exp和 终端 C. The approximately $3 billion project will transform the airport’s busiest 和 most outdated terminal into a modern 和 spacious experience by removing more than 400 view-blocking columns, 安装新的动态玻璃窗,并抬高屋顶. 顾客还可以享受全新设施带来的全新体验, 包括商店和餐馆, 休闲空间, 值机区域, 安全检查站和改进的厕所.

也包含在项目中, 并与C航站楼第一期重建工程同时进行, C码头和A码头的双负荷码头扩建工程是否都有. 资料片将增加115人,000平方英尺,通往C航站楼和140航站楼的四个登机口,000平方英尺和通往A航站楼的五个登机口. 除了增加产能以适应增长, 这两次扩建都将为客户提供更多的皇冠app官方版下载便利设施, 包括新的餐厅和零售选择, 座位区和洗手间.

在第一阶段和扩建之后, the remainder of 终端 C concourse will be demolished 和 rebuilt in two additional phases. This work will allow the terminal to continue flight operations in other portions of the facility while focused areas undergo significant construction. 因为随着时间的推移,这个项目将分几个阶段完成, 该航站楼预计将于2030年全面完工.

与C航站楼第一阶段建设策略性协调, the adjacent south parking garage will be completely rebuilt with more parking with modern parking management technologies to accommodate growth from the terminal’s expansion. 车库入口定于9月9日关闭. 为今年晚些时候的拆除做准备. 北车库和中央车库仍然可用. 皇冠app官方版下载鼓励客户 网上预约停车皇冠app官方版下载前确保最优惠的价格和 检查实时可用性 在到达前或到达后的车库和停车场.


“American is excited to officially mark the start of construction to modernize 和 exp和 皇冠官方app下载,阿曼达·张说, 机场事务及设施副总裁, 美国航空公司. “这与美国航空和皇冠官方app下载之间的协同作用没有什么不同,这种协同作用推动了50年的增长, the new Capital Improvement program will continue to set North 德州 apart in the future as a connection factory for travelers around the world. We look forward to bringing an innovative 和 efficient experience to life over the next decade, 皇冠app官方版下载很兴奋,这一切都是从重新设计C航站楼开始的.”

“The AAA Joint Venture 和 all its partners are proud to be an instrumental part of these innovative projects 和 the immense work taking place at the 皇冠官方app下载 Airport,奥斯汀商业副总裁凯利·洛克说. “作为设计-建造团队, we are dedicated to delivering a project that will provide a positive experience through construction 和 leave a lasting impact on the airport, 新航站楼和扩建后的航站楼将为其合作伙伴和无数皇冠官方app下载提供服务.”

C航站楼项目一期及扩建的设计建造团队, 以及航站楼A的扩建, 这个合资企业是由奥斯汀商业公司组成的吗, 阿兹特克企业和阿尔法 & 欧米伽,HOK和穆勒 & 穆勒,. 作为设计团队成员.


皇冠官方app下载向前, 机场的整体资本计划, 包括180多个项目, 在不同的规划阶段, 开发建设, 它们分布在机场广阔的机场内, 码头和道路系统.

Some of 皇冠官方app下载’s other notable projects also preparing to take steps toward significant construction in the coming months include 皇冠官方app下载’s sixth 终端F 这将包括15个登机口, 天链站, 制度现代化,特许权扩大, 以及 国际公园大道现代化 该项目将把通往A、B和C航站楼的通道转移到右侧出口. 其他几个大型项目正在进行中,即将到来:

  • 中央发电厂(eCUP): 建设 is underway on a new facility that will help heat 和 cool 皇冠官方app下载’s terminals with electricity supplied from 100% renewable resources.
  • 东西连接巷道经过多年的规划和合作, a new east-west throughfare on the southside of the airport is under construction to connect Rental Car Drive to State Highway 360.
  • 西南绕行滑行道项目: 皇冠官方app下载’s third end-around taxiway is currently under a multi-phase construction program to further enhance the safety 和 efficiency of aircraft movements.
  • 消防站现代化工程: Two br和-new fire stations are being built in central airfield locations on both sides of the airport that will maximize resiliency, 最小化响应时间, 并提高效率和保护必要的设备和人员.
  • 第19街货物重建计划:以配合皇冠官方app下载不断增长的货物需求, new facilities planned will nearly double cargo aircraft parking capacity with seven new positions designed for some of the world’s largest aircraft.



皇冠官方app下载推出了新的工具,让客户了解情况,为皇冠app官方版下载做好准备. 下载 皇冠官方app下载的应用 或访问 eve-lang.com/construction 随时了解实时交通信息,包括道路封闭信息, project fact sheets 和 other critical communications about the dynamic impacts of a large-scale construction program. Additional technology has been added to the 皇冠官方app下载 mobile app to enable push notifications 和 customization for travelers who opt into the alerts, 哪家公司将为旅客提供及时的皇冠官方app下载信息.

顾客现在也可以 注册建筑皇冠官方app下载 通过电子邮件. 机场的社交媒体平台也将提供频繁的服务, 及时皇冠官方app下载建筑活动和对旅客的影响.


查看皇冠app官方版下载的新 皇冠官方app下载建设和资本投资指南 获取更多信息和获取数字资源.

对于更多的效果图、施工B-roll和今天活动的图像, 点击这里.

皇冠官方app下载 (皇冠官方app下载) is one of the world’s busiest 和 most connected airports. 2024年庆祝服务50周年, 皇冠官方app下载不仅是北美的主要港口,也是重要的社区资产,皇冠app官方版下载为此感到自豪. 以其所有者城市达拉斯和沃斯堡为中心, 德州, 它是创造就业机会和吸引企业的主要经济引擎. 皇冠官方app下载 is committed to providing exceptional customer service 和 in 2023 was named the best large airport for customer satisfaction in North America by Airports Council International. 可持续发展的领导者, 皇冠官方app下载是世界上最大的机场,也是北美第一个碳中和机场. In 2023, 皇冠官方app下载 Airport served over 80 million passengers 和 offered more than 250 global destinations.

皇冠官方app下载向前: Transformational work has begun on the airport’s historic multi-year capital plan totaling nearly $9 billion in investments with monumental upgrades 和 expansions underway across 皇冠官方app下载’s terminals, 机场和道路基础设施. 了解更多关于 皇冠官方app下载是不朽的.

更多信息,请访问 皇冠官方app下载的网站 或下载皇冠官方app下载移动应用程式 iOS安卓 设备. 关注@dfwairport 脸谱网, 推特, Instagram, LinkedIn.

终端C重建皇冠官方app下载 2 C航站楼未来现代化宽敞的登机口区域效果图.

终端C改造皇冠官方app下载 1 未来C航站楼效果图.

终端C重建皇冠官方app下载 3 C航站楼未来使用上层和下层设施的示意图.

C学期施工事件-演示拍摄 Airport officials 和 project partners gathered to celebrate the historic work underway with a unique wall-breaking ceremony.

C学期建设活动-合影 皇冠官方app下载首席执行官Sean Donohue说, 皇冠官方app下载董事会主席DeMetris Sampson, 美国航空公司皇冠官方app下载运营高级副总裁Jim Moses, Austin Commercial Vice President Kelly Locke 和 皇冠官方app下载 Executive Vice President of Infrastructure 和 发展 Mohamed Charkas pictured (L-R) at the event.




